Personal web page of Roman Pavelka, software engineer



iptables and network wide access

iptables -I INPUT 4 -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT

Basic HTTP access authentication

Create username and password to file, where apache main process has permitted to read, but not to site or any other shared space!

htpasswd file username

Site configuration file in /etc/apache2 or something you have should have in appropriate directory section something like

AllowOverride AuthConfig

You need to load these modules:

LoadModule auth_basic_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule authn_file_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule authz_user_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/

Create .htaccess in directory to be protected with content:

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile full_path_to_htpasswd_file
AuthName "Some message to user."
Require user username

More advanced version to allow some ip address without authentication.

AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile full_path_to_htpasswd_file
AuthName "Hey, log in or get out!"
Require user username
Order allow,deny
Allow from ip_address_to_allow_without_authentication
satisfy any

Source: []


Key-based authentification

ssh-keygen -t rsa
cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh user@host 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'

Host specific config

Using ssh agent

Port forwarding

Remote port forwarding serves to e.g. get on home computer behind NAT with help of public server, i.e. “poor man’s VPN”.

Remote port forwarding means bringing client’s port or any port in client’s range (here home’s 22 port of ssh but it can be 80 of internal webpage etc…) to listen on remote machine’s port. Here is difference between local port forwarding.

In following instructions, remote machine is called public and machine whose port should listen on public is called home. On public check if in sshd_config there is

AllowTcpForwarding yes

It should be yes as default, for details see [2].

For forwarding home’s 22 to 11000 on public do in home

ssh -N -R 11000:localhost:22 publicuser@public

Then you can connect when logged in public by

ssh -l homeuser -p 11000 localhost

You can use autossh instead ssh to automatically restart session when it dies.

If you can ensure there are no vulnerable SSH accounts on home (for example by setting home’s sshd_config AllowUsers directive) you can set on public in sshd_config

GatewayPorts yes

and then instead

11000:localhost:22 do \*:11000:localhost:22 to listen for all adresses on all interfaces to allow from everywhere on the net ssh -p 11000 homeuser@public.


[1] man ssh
[2] man sshd_config


Installing nginx on CentOS 7 [tested]



TODO: how to set

Is nice to get name to machine i.e. to show it in prompt for your quick info. Show short and full hostname:

hostname -f


Use netstat to write which programs (-p) are listening (-l) on TCP ports (-t) (to exclude unix sockets)

netstat -plt --numeric-ports



Show external IP address

dig +short


Roman Pavelka, 2020